Using just a few supplies, you can make this easy no-sew fabric ornament in minutes, using scrap fabric and shower curtain rings from the dollar store!

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2 pieces of fabric 8 1/2” x 10” (or 1 piece, 8 1/2 x 20”)
1 piece of cord, yarn or other trimming for hanger, 16”
Clear plastic shower curtain ring
Optional but highly recommended – spray finish or spray starch

Prepare Fabric:
1) Iron your fabric piece(s) using some sort of spray finish or spray starch. This helps the fabric stay a little stiffer without making it too stiff!
2) Cut your ironed fabric to 1” strips that are 8 1/2” wide. I used 20 strips for my wreaths but you can use a few more or less depending on how full you want your wreath.

3) Fold each piece in half, with short edges together, wrong sides facing if your fabric has a right/wrong side (this one does not).

4) Insert the folded edge in the center of the ring, pull the two cut edges through the loop created by the fold, pull tightly to knot. It doesn’t matter which way you put your fold in the ring – top down or bottom up – as long as you do it the same way consistently.

5) When all of your strips are tied on, fold each pair of cut edges in half and trim on an angle from the corner/edges up about 3/4” towards the fold.

6) Tie your hanger cord into a loop with an overhand knot near the cut edges, and loop it onto the ring in the same manner as you did the strips.
All finished!
Check out this short video on YouTube!